Sunday, March 2, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like March?!?!

Yes..I am appalled at that title as well. Here it is..the start of a warm, beautifully sunny weekend. Spring fever is definitely taking over my mind and body. But what did I notice in the streets of Sunnyland and East Peoria last night after my husband and I dropped off Chloe for the night at Grandma and Grandpa's? Snowflakes and Christmas trees lining the streets on the lamp posts. Whaaaa?!?!?! There are still Christmas decorations hanging up?? In March?! Why? I mean I understand how East Peorians are a proud people, with Folepi and the magnificent floats and exciting lights that decorate the city during the holiday season. I know I always enjoy seeing a city so lit up, it would make Las Vegas blush, but jeezy creezy, man..spring is only a couple of weeks away. We're rapidly approaching our third holiday since Christmastime. I think it's time to move on. No wonder we're still getting snow every three days. Poor Mother Nature is confused when she sees holiday decorations still up.

Hmmm...perhaps it's finally time for me to put away my holiday floormat with the penguin holding candy canes...

1 comment:

Nomer said...

it took us a while to take the xmas tree down. that's only cuz we had no room, our tree is huge.