Thursday, January 17, 2008

Attention men: Leave your eyebrows alone!!!!

I must admit..I do have a few pet peeves--approximately 1,638 pet peeves the last time I counted. It cracks me up because my hubby definitely knows my top ten list.

Floyd was telling me that the Cubs Caravan was today, which took place at the Riverplex. He told me that Ryne Sandberg was there, as well as Ted Lilly and Geovany Soto. Then he told me in a lowered, gossipy voice, "And Geovany Soto plucks his eyebrows!!!"

"WhaAAAaaatT?!?" I exclaimed. "Ugh, I hate that!"

I'm sorry. I just can't stand to see men with perfectly shaped womanly eyebrows. A guy could be drop dead gorgeous and I wouldn't have the foggiest idea, because I would be staring at those damned plucked eyebrows on his face.

Now, don't get me wrong..I'm not exactly advocating a unibrow either. Although, Bert from "Sesame Street" did say, "Never underestimate the power of the unibrow." I think if you men prefer having two eyebrows instead of one, that's alright. Just clean up the hairs that connect your eyebrows and maybe a couple of stray hairs underneath. I don't need men walking around with some crazy, perfectly arched Joan Crawford eyebrows yelling at me, "NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!!!" (I'm sorry to digress a bit..)

So, men, unless you're the 14th reincarnation of Menudo, please..for the love of God, put down the tweezers. Step away from the eyebrow wax. Show some respect for yourself and think about the children. You don't have to go overboard with your metrosexuality. I know it's hard to differentiate between simple grooming and looking absolutely effeminate...especially when there's famous athletes out there with overplucked brows also. (I'm talking to you, Rex Grossman, Pudge Rodriguez, and Michael Strahan!(to name a few) Most women just appreciate it when their guys shave occasionally and shower every once and a while. And when they give them flowers. :o)