Thursday, August 20, 2009

This is for Willa :o)

I thought that I was safe. I thought that I had taken all the necessary precautions in order to be able to take a Chloe-free shower. I made sure an entertaining, yet educational episode of "Sesame Street" was on the television. She had an array of fun books and favorite stuffed animals all around to distract her. She just had a snack and was finishing up her drink. Surely, I could take a 7 to 10 minute shower without interruption.

As I enjoyed the silence from the living room, I looked out the window from the shower at the beautiful blue sky. Aaah, how peaceful. As I successfully finished rinsing out the conditioner from my hair, I was in the home stretch. One last step--slather on the body wash, quickly rinse it off, hop out of the shower and dive into my towel and robe. I was so close. So close. When I reached for my faithful puff and my bottle of imitation Caress body wash, I heard the little voice. I froze.

Suddenly, the shower curtain violently flew open a la "Psycho" and I looked down to the bathroom floor in front of me. There stood my silly little daughter, sans clothing, and repeatedly saying, "I take shower! I get in shower!!" She wouldn't take "no" for an answer as I cried, "But I'm almost done! Chloe, I'm almost done!"

She climbed in the tub and giggled maniacally as the water soaked her completely. Oh well. Who really wants time to themselves anyway?

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I love this picture of Floyd and Chloe. We took this photo in the fall at the Apple Blossom Farm next to the train because Chloe is obsessed with "choo-choos", as she calls them.
The longer I look at this picture, the more I crack up. I love his silly, slack-jawed face and Chloe looks like a monkey. I've always gotten a kick out of the size difference between them ..Floyd being 6'5" and Chloe is about an inch shy of three feet tall. The best part to me is the train behind them. That is proof that I married a husband is bigger than a locomotive.
(Chloe doesn't have to worry about being struck by a train if she's walking along the tracks. As long as Daddy is behind her, he will crush it with his giantosity. )